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We’re sorry to hear that you have a complaint…

If you’re reading this page, then something may have gone wrong. We’re sorry if it has. If you tell us about it we’ll look into it thoroughly and will aim to get the situation resolved as quickly as possible. Thank you for taking the time to help us improve our service to you. This page explains what to do if you have a complaint and what you can expect us to do if you complain to us.

How to complain to us

The first thing to do is to let us know what has happened. You can call us, email us, write to us or complete our online form below. We will need to know:

  • Exactly what has gone wrong, and how and when it happened.
  • Anything specific you would like us to do to put things right for you.
  • Your name, address and contact phone number.
  • Anything else that you feel is relevant such as reference numbers.

Once we have this information from you, our experienced and knowledgeable team will be able to start looking into your complaint for you.

What happens next?

Once we have received your complaint we will contact you to let you know we’re looking into things and will provide the name, position and contact details for the person handling this for you.

Our aim is to address any concerns as soon as possible and we’ll keep you regularly updated about what’s happening.

Our final response

when we’ve thoroughly looked into your complaint, we’ll call you to let you know our final response, to tell you what we found, what we plan to do as a result and why we have made the decision we came to.

If it looks as though our investigations will take more time to solve your problem, we will keep you updated on our progress.


    Your Name *

    Your Email *

    Your Phone *

    Your complaint

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